Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cross country flight to the green wall

Here are a few photos from my birthday this year. Elli took me on a beautiful cross country flight to the "green wall."

The view of the terraced fields below us.

The green wall, a steep and lush hillside.
The ridges of the green wall extend out ahead of us.
For a while we were flying with a Himalayan griffon vulture.
You can see him at the top of the frame behind us.
The griffon vulture flew just above our wing here.
Our shadow over the green wall.  
The last photo I took of our altitude, just as we got over 3.000 meters. 
This was us at 3200 meters as we were on our way back.
Coming out over the lake; Maya Devi is in the middle of the bay.


  1. Great pics once again. Very jealous

  2. Um - who was taking the pictures of you - the Griffon Vulture??

    This blog has been amazing! thank you so much for posting - what an adventure you have had my girl!!
